San Diego County Soccer Referees' Association

Over 40 years as the premier resource for soccer referees in the San Diego Area!

Game Day

Game Day Procedures

Below are a few of the game day procedures you should incorporate into your routine each time you go to referee a game. Download a POCKET GUIDE and have handy to reference to when starting out refereeing.
Pocket Guide

Click on a section to learn more!

Cancellation Procedure (games more than 24hrs away)

Cancelation Procedure for any game assignments that are more than 24 hours away of the weekend (meaning prior to Friday), if you have to cancel for any reason you need to reach out to the assignor responsible for your assignments. If unsure, you can also reach out to any other assignor and we will assist with either contacting the correct assignor or remove you from your assignments. If you are feeling sick or think you might not be able to make your accepted assignments, PLEASE notify your assignor ASAP and give us ample time to find a replacement. It looks really bad when we do not have a full crew, especially on a high level older age game and we could have found a replacement or shifted someone off of a younger level game. We understand things happen and emergencies arise but please do your part and make sure to contact your assignor.

Cancellation Procedure (games less than 24hrs away)

When your assignments are within 24 hours of the weekend (aka Friday), YOU MUST SPEAK with an assignor over the phone OR a text message that is followed by a response that confirms they received your message that you are unable to satisfy your game assignments. EMAIL cancelation is only acceptable if it is MORE than 24 hours notice (aka Mon-Thurs) before the weekend. If you see you are still on the games, it was more than 24 hours prior to your game assignments for the weekend, please get a response from an assignor as if it was 24 hours (Friday) before the weekend.

If you have any questions, issues, please reach out to ANY Assignor.

Thank you!

SDCSRA Assignors:

  • Area 1 & 10 [North County] — Hugo Rios ( — (619) 992-1005
  • Area 3 & 4 [Coastal SD] — Chris White ( — (619) 708-3127
  • Area 5 [Central SD] — Keoni Owens ( — (619) 992-7770
  • Area 6 [South Bay] — Bob Rendon ( — (619) 988-6019
  • Area 7 [Scripps Ranch & Mira Mesa] — Hank Berthiaume ( — (858) 922-7577
  • Area 8 & 9 [East County] — Paula Miller ( — (858) 967-8049
  • ALL AREA Assignor — Kifah Samara ( — (858) 883-1301

Before you even step onto the field it is suggested you do your homework. Below are a few steps to build a pregame routine.

  • Pregame check list and speech ready?
  • Who are you working with? Have you worked with the match game referees before? If not then familiarize yourself...
  • Where is the game?
  • What are the laws or rules for this particular game?
  • Who are the teams playing? Is there a rivalry?
  • What are the tactics of the two teams? Style of play?
  • Will you be using technology (ie coms or buzzing flags)? If so familiarize yourself with how they work and are working properly before the game.
  • Are you working on certain referee skills? Ask the other referees for advice and/or feedback on your techniques...
  • Is everybody in crew on same page? Do all have all their gear and uniforms?

  • Walk the Field:We suggest a nice walk around the field to check for pot holes, sprinkler heads, or anything that might pose a danger to the players.
  • Goal Posts:Are the goal posts securely anchored to the ground?
  • Goal Nets:Are there any holes in the nets and are they attached to the goal posts securely?
  • Lines Marked:Is the field properly lined and marked?
  • Corner Flags:Are there corner flags?

Have you brought any "toolbox" supplies which could possibly make a safer environment for any of the players or spectators?

Getting to know who you are working with is essential in preparation for communicating during the game.

  • REFEREE CREW: You should know the names of the crew you are working with so you can communicate with them properly.
  • TRAINER or MEDICAL PHYSICIAN: Who is the trainer at the field or where are they located? Just in case of an injury or emergency this is important to know!
  • TEAM COACHES: Who are the coaches of both teams?
  • FIELD MARSHALL: Who is the field marshall at the site or nearby to turn game reports in or just in case a ball goes missing?
  • CLOCK OPERATOR: If using a scoreboard with a clock it is necessary to know who to contact to fix or start/stop the clock.

  • What went wrong in 1st half?
  • What went right in 1st half?
  • What needs to be changed in approach for 2nd half?
  • Are you going to call it tighter 2nd half?
  • Any other tips or suggestions from other crew members?
  • Are the details from 1st half written down right and double checked with other crew members?

It is essential in the development process to review each game for strengths and weaknesses. Then try and incorporate any of these into the next game. You can even between games practice & prepare how to use different techniques during the next game. Practice makes perfect!

  • Pros from the game? - What went well in the game...
  • Cons from the game? - What went wrong or could have gone better?
  • Going Forward - What will you incorporate into your next game?
  • Review field conditions - Was there anything to report on the match report about the field conditions?

For game reporting, please keep the original game report at the conclusion of your game. SCDSL you will not have to report anything unless there is a red card or serious injury, if this occurs in your game, fill out the supplemental and send it to me. CalSouth Supplemental in case you have a serious injury, suspected head injury, or a red card. All match/game reports are due within 24 hours for all games and leagues and retain primary copy for 90 days in case of disputes.

  • Match Reports - Match Reports must be turned in within 24hrs. If in doubt check the game card provided for how to complete match reports as each league will be slightly different in their match reporting procedure requirements. Usually each team should be receiving a copy or photo of the game report, however sometimes only the home is responsible for collecting the game card and verifying the scores. There are also times when the teams are reponsible for submitting the scores and game report to the league which makes your job simply to turn game report to the teams on the field.
  • Field Conditions - Any and all field conditions which don't follow the rules must be included in match report (ie no corner flags).
  • RED CARDS: - Ejections & Red cards must be reported/submitted on the SAME DAY!! A supplemental report is needed for ANY and ALL red cards. Ask your assignor if you have any questions.
  • INJURIES: - A supplemental report is needed for ANY and ALL serious injuries (ie concussion, broken bone, etc...). It must be reported on the match report!! Ask your assignor if you have any questions.
  • ANY SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT: Must be filled out and turned into Dennis Wickham ( and Keoni Owens SDCSRA Director of Assignments (
  • Referee Abuse - Must be reported SAME DAY!! - A supplemental report detailing the whole scenario is required. Coach/Manager are the ONLY ones allowed to ask to see your CalSouth Referee ID. And they may only ask BEFORE the game, not after. They are NOT allowed to take a photo of you or your ID.** IF this happens, you are to contact your assignor, Keoni Owens (Director of Assignments), or Dennis Wickham (SDCSRA President) IMMEDIATELY or NO LATER than immediately after the game. We will not tolerate ANY form of Referee Abuse or Harassment.

Below are the general forms for reporting RED cards, injuries, referee abuse as well as some league match reporting. If you have any questions email your assignor and he/she will know what is needed and how to complete. We suggest you print and keep a few copies of each form with you when you go to referee a game.

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