There are a few ways referees are paid (cash on field, electronically, Arbiter, etc..). Generally the referees are paid cash on field by either one or both of the teams playing in your specific game. If the game is not paid on field then the teams can either pay you electronically or the SDCSRA association can also pay you through Arbiter. A matrix for the pay amounts should be on the top of the game report given to you at game time usually by the home team.
Click on a section to learn more!
Referee Dues Policies and Procedures
SDCSRA collects dues from its members for each match (game) assigned.
Dues are either collected from the referees, or for most games the tournament or home league.
For Cash Paid-On-The-Field (POTF) dues are posted to the referee's Arbiter account quarterly and reduce the amount of referee fees paid through Arbiter.
Please review the attached, and let Earl Sterrett - Treasurer know if you have any questions. Payment of dues is not Optionable.
Referee Dues support SDCSRA Educational Programs and Annual Operational Expenses including:
Arbiter Account Membership and ArbiterConnect Fees
Arbiter Administration / Tournament and League Schedule Input / Reconciliation
Membership Liability Insurance and Board of Directors coverage
Tournament Expenses
Meeting and Educational / Training Expenses
Office Supplies and Expenses
Annual Tax Compliance and Reporting
SDCSRA 2024 - Referee Dues Policies and Procedures
Referee dues are deducted or assessed for every soccer match worked.
Referee Dues are currently $ 4.00 per Match:
Center Referee - $ 2.00 per Match
Assistant Referees - $ 1.00 Each per Match
Collection of dues from referees currently fall into two categories:
Deducted from Referees’ Arbiter Pay Sheets reducing ArbiterPay, or
Paid Directly by Tournaments or Leagues.
Dues Deducted from Referees’ Arbiter Pay Sheets:
Applies Only if Referee Fees are (CASH) Paid on the Field (POTF) &
Applies Only if Assigned to One of the following Leagues/Tournaments:
Tournament & League List:
SCDSL – SoCal & Super Rec Leagues
ECNL – Elite Girls National League
DPL / EAL / NPL Leagues
Recreational Soccer Leagues (North County, PQ Rec, Other Rec leagues)
State Cups – Governors, Presidents, National
Dues are Deducted Monthly from a Referee’s Pay Sheet. Currently, if the Dues Deduction causes a negative (minus) balance in the referee’s Arbiter Pay Sheet account, the Negative Balance will carry over to future periods. The Negative Balance will be paid or reduced when the referee is assigned future matches where referee fees and dues are paid directly by the Tournament or League. Large Negative Balances may require the referee to pay SDCSRA directly to zero out the Negative Balance (TBD).
Referee Fees and Dues Paid Directly by Tournaments or Leagues
Applies when Referees ARE NOT Paid Cash on the field and include the following Tournaments & Leagues:
Summer and Thanksgiving Holiday Tournaments
PWSL - Peninsula Women’s Soccer League
SDWSL – San Diego Women’s Soccer League
SDCSL – Men’s & Legends League and Tournaments
SROP – Scripps Ranch Old Pros
Majority of the games will be Presidio/SDDA or SCDSL leagues paid cash on field. PQ Rec games are paid via ArbiterPay, NOT CASH on field. You must sign up and create an account with Arbiter in order for you to get assigned games as well as paid through Arbiter. See instructions to register for Arbiter in next section.
We use Arbiter Sports to assign games and Arbiter Pay as the method of payment for most games, although many summer tournaments simply pay cash on site. Below is a link to set up your own Arbiter account and start receiving RefPay through our SDCSRA association. Arbiter is also how we find and locate the fields we assign you to each weekend. You can find a list of school & field locations once you have your account set up. Once you have an account as well as payment method ready, your Arbiter account must also be accepted & approved by SDCSRA and then click the READY to be assigned tic box for you to be available to be assigned games!